Friday, February 22, 2008

Rear Window

So, I arrived in Rotterdam unscathed and after checking in to the Stayokay Hostel near the Erasmus Medical College, I found my view comforting and ordinary. Seconds later, the bus featured in this picture crashed into that 2nd car obscured by the branches of this dormant tree. Seconds later than that, an envoy of eager medical students converged on the scene prior to all other authorities and proceeded to pry the victim from the stricken vehicle and revive an elder Dutch matron, who suffered a cardiac arrest while on the bus. You might wonder why I didn't snap any pictures of that. Very curious.

This was my bed for the first few days. I took a nap immediately. Each bed has a sleeping bag in it and they provide you with fresh linens whenever you need them. On the third or fourth night, I arrived late to find a young German in this bunk, so I was forced to relocate to the top bunk. Luckily, there was a ladder. There were four beds total, a table with three chairs and a shelving unit, a sink, and a bathroom with a toilet and shower. This young German was soon replaced by Alexander, a charming middle-aged Dutch man with little glasses who was attending the Rotterdam film festival. He was very nice, spoke English, and one day, went to see a 9-hour film by Lav Diaz called Death From the Land of Encantos. There were four intermissions of 20 minutes each and I've seen the film make several best lists in the newest issue of Film Comment. Sorry I missed it. I've still yet to do one of those single film marathons. I'm itching to.

This is the hostel.

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