Thursday, March 6, 2008

one photograph to rule them all and IMDB

This is the only photo of The Adventure's world premiere in Rotterdam. My film headlined a program of three shorts, all about 15-20 minutes long. The first was directed by a South Korean filmmaker whose name escapes me. He is center answering questions via an interpreter. I was incredibly nervous before this screening and so I didn't watch the other two films, but I did see them the next time around. The figure in the foreground, I think, is Bartosz, the polish/german film student whose film was second. I could be wrong and it could be a complete stranger. My mother's cousin Joe Houlihan, who she hasn't seen in twenty plus years and I haven't seen ever, lives/works in Maastricht, about two hours by car from Rotterdam, and he came to see the film. He was very kind and dressed in a dark suit with no tie and the collar open on his white shirt. He had silver hair and my mother's mother's smile.

The host of the screening and Q&A bought us all drinks afterwards and we chatted for a bit. My print was flawlessly projected and the house was big, but not full. I miss that festival.

A task for you: Go to and in the search window, type 'the adventure'. This makes me happy.

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